I finally won a competition for the first time

One week ago we went to Staple Center in Downtown Los Angeles to watch a NHL hockey game, LA Kings against Arizona Coyotes. It was me, Daniel and our new Swedish friends Linda and Erik who visited L.a together. Sadly, they were only here for a vacation and returned home after 1.5 months, I think, of traveling here in California. Anyway, before the game, a promoter convinced us to type our personal data to participate and compete for various prizes. I hesitated for a long time, nobody wins anyway? But I typed it at the end. Yesterday, a guy called us to say that; you guys WON a weekend with hotel and tickets to Disney Land. It totally freaked me out, I still can’t believe that we WON. Too weird. Too funny.

This past two weeks, I have been preparing myself mentally to start my diet.

I am just sitting here waiting for my diet and training plan, but coach Joakim told me it will be sent to me tomorrow. So, sunday is the day and I am so excited. I actually love my morning intervals, I just need it to get it as a routine. I feel very prepared, it will be so nice to finally cut and to see how my hard work this past year have payd off! My weight is 3 kilograms plus this time than it was may 2014 when I started my last diet. I hope that there is not just a adversity for me to start with such a heavy weight, that I have actually gain some muscles too and not just fat. Hopefully. 😛 I feel like I am in better shape overall and look so much more different this time than in may 2014, so I might have done some progress, definitely!

I just want to start my diet NOW, but first I have to eat my last ”cheat meal” before sunday, I guess, because there is no more for a while. I have not decided what I want to eat and where yet, but I think it will be one hamburger and maybe cheesecake? Cheesecake factory? This damn factory is just 5 minutes walk from our apartment… Too dangerous.



About The Author

Fitness star Angelica Enberg lives in LA California, where she reports to us from The Mecca of bodybuilding; Golds Gym, Venice Beach LA. Working her way to a debut in women´s physique.