Ny kamera = nytt bloggförsök

I veckan köpte jag en ny kamera; en Olympus e-pl7. Gjorde mig av med min klumpiga stora systemkamera, som jag ändå inte använde just därför att den var; för klumpig och opraktisk.  Nu hoppas jag kunn...

Time to drop the BOMB

I finally won a competition for the first time One week ago we went to Staple Center in Downtown Los Angeles to watch a NHL hockey game, LA Kings against Arizona Coyotes. It was me, Daniel and our new Swedish ...

Let’s try out this technology, again.

Hopefully 21 weeks out Seems like I have failed with the blogging for a while, but let’s skip the excuses and actually write about what is going on in my life.. Cause that’s why you end up here at my bl...