How to quickly stretch for splits for beginners

Here´s how to quickly stretch for splits for beginners.If you want to do a split? Just for fun or to include it in a dance or fitness routine; Here are some tips to quickly stretch for splits for beginners. Ho...

10 ways to get lean, and stay lean

1. Eat fewer calories not carbohydrates Many seem to be under the impression that as long as you are avoiding carbs, you can eat whatever you want. That is just not the case. If fat loss is your aim, you need...

Stairway to fit ´n happy!

Stairway to fit ´n happy! Stairs are not just for walking and pain, here are a few exercises you can do to also work extra on your glutes, calves, endurance while also mixing it up and having some fun at the ...

how to avoid cheating on your diet!

Sticking to your diet is the hardest part to do when getting fit. I don´t think anybody would disagree to this statement. Anybody can go hard in the gym for an hour or two but the rest of the 22 hours apart fr...

The lats bomb!

This superset of kneeling and seated cable pulldowns is an excellent exercise to ad to your back program....

6 ways to boost your metabolism

1. Turn down the temp.  Sleeping in a cool room seems to increase people’s percentages of brown fat — a type of fat that acts more like muscle, helping to burn other fat and increasing metabolic rate. Ke...

Sumo squats

7. Sumo squats 1.Stand with feet wider than shoulder-width apart and your toes slightly turned out. Hold a dumbbell in your hands in front of your hips. 2.Push your hips back and squat down, keeping your che...

Hip Thrust

1. Hip thrust 1.Begin seated on the ground with a bench directly behind you. Have a loaded barbell over your legs. Using a fat bar or having apad on the bar can greatly reduce the discomfort caused by this...

What´s your body type? Take the test!

EEver wondered what type of body you have? Do you gain or loose fat and muscle easily? Or are you one of those that can eat whatever you want without noticing any weight gain? An ectomorph  Characteristica...
40%Carbohydrate protein fat ratio

Protein, carb, fat ratio – optimal balance to build muscle

so you wanna put some quality gains on that skinny ass of yours? Wondering how to get there faster? Optimizing the ratio between carbs, fat and protein for your goal and your body type can speed up your road t...