buttermilk waffles

A quick and easy recipe for healthy buttermilk waffles. Sugar-free and rich in protein. The buttermilk makes them extra juicy. PORTIONS 1: The amount fits 1 big boy, two little girls or one very hungry girl. ...

10 ways to get lean, and stay lean

1. Eat fewer calories not carbohydrates Many seem to be under the impression that as long as you are avoiding carbs, you can eat whatever you want. That is just not the case. If fat loss is your aim, you need...

savory protein oat fajitas

Savory Protein Oat Fajitas Recipe: 70 gr rolled oats /oat flour 4 eggewhites 1 teaspoon baking soda For flavour: Your choice of spices, herbs, oregano, rosemary, cumin, pepper, salt. (0,5 - 1 dl water...

White sweet potato pizza

Recipe for crust: (size: large roasting pan) 700 gr sweet potato 2 eggs 200 gr oatmeal flour / oats pinch of salt Topping: 1 box quark 1 glass pesto about 400 gr chicken fillet 1 pk  cur...

Filled sweet potato

Filled sweet potato Recipe: Sweet potatoes Minced low fat beef + spices Canned chopped tomatoes or coconut milk Optional vegetables, for example: peppers, corn, red onion and cherry tomatoes. Soy sauce...

Sweet potato, a tasty superfood!

Sweet potato is a tasty superfood, it is very rich in beta carotene, in addition to providing you with vitamins A and C, dietary fiber and other nutrients that are important for the health and mainten...

Protein Pancakes

PANKAKES Recipe: 100 gr rolled oats 5 eggewhites 20 gr whey 100 gr banana (optional, mash it) 1 teaspoon baking soda For added flavour: 1-2 teaspoons calorie free sweetener, 1 teaspoon cardamom, 1 ...

8 Foods to make your hair grow

These foods will make your hair grow more naturally! 1. Salmon: This fish is loaded with the strong hair supporters like Vitamin D and protein, but it also contains omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair grow...

4 Shades of whey

Protein Whey powder is not just for the shaker! Here are some other and tasty ways to eat it! PANKAKES Recipe: 100 gr rolled oats 5 eggewhites 20 gr whey 100 gr banana (optional, mash it) 1 teaspoo...
40%Carbohydrate protein fat ratio

Protein, carb, fat ratio – optimal balance to build muscle

so you wanna put some quality gains on that skinny ass of yours? Wondering how to get there faster? Optimizing the ratio between carbs, fat and protein for your goal and your body type can speed up your road t...

5 reasons you´re not loosing weight

1. YOU THINK ITS HEALTHY Fruit, nuts, and fitness cereal is healthy for you right? Sure it contains lots of vitamins and important nutrition but their also very energy dense. 100 gr of natural almonds are a wh...