Savory Protein Oat Fajitas

70 gr rolled oats /oat flour
4 eggewhites
1 teaspoon baking soda
For flavour: Your choice of spices, herbs, oregano, rosemary, cumin, pepper, salt.
(0,5 – 1 dl water depending on how thick you would like them)
Makes two large fajitas

Let the batter swell 30-20 min before frying batter like pancakes in a large non-stick frying pan. Fry on medium heat. At the same time prepare the filling:

50-100 gr of chicken filet
1/2 red bell pepper
1/2 orange bell pepper
1/2 zucchini

Fry on medium heat, until vegetables have softened and have a nicely golden fry crust on the outside.
Spread a thin layer of salsa on your fajitas and load the filling, ad your choice of: fresh leaves, ruccula, or some cheese or sour cream to add som fat or creamy flavor. Roll the filling  firmly inside and eat the fajita-roll like a cave man, you can wrap it in tinfoil and bring it to work. super tasty, rich in protein, easy and quick.

If you have left over chicken or casserole this is a great way to use them. You can change the filling to your desire, beef, salmon, only veggies, ad some rice, scrambled eggs or potatoes. Enjoy!



About The Author

Ariell Rosenblad. Art director and Editor in chief Long and varied background in the field of exercise. IFBB Athlete.