Name: Ingrid Avelsgaard
Age: 21 years
Sport / class: Fitness Figure competitor
Achievements: 3rd place Sandefjord Open in 2014 and 5th place Oslo GP 2014 (both in bikini fitness), 1st place Sandefjord Open 2015 3rd Oslo GP 2015 and 6th place EM Santa Susanna Figure Fitness Junior 2015 (all three in figure fitness) .
Sponsors: Six Deuce Norway, Gymgrossisten, Clinic for alle, Stjørdal Negledesign
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You started off with Bikini fitness last spring and have had a great progress from then to this year’s competition season in figure fitness. What was it that made you started with this sport? And that you decided to make the move up from bikini?
– Thank you for that, so nice to hear! I have been fascinated by muscles for a long time, and find it amazing how you can shape your body by using proper exercise and diet. I was with my boyfriend who did Classic Bodybuilding earlier, and I came to see the shows he participated in as a spectator a good few times before I decided to try out for myself. When I´m using so much time training anyway, it’s fun to set a more specific goal with show date to work towards! The reason I took the step up from bikini was simply because if I was gonna continue working out for bikini fitness, I had ONLY been allowed to train glutes for the most part … My thighs, back, shoulders and arms were “too big” for bikini. And I’m not the type who can be bothered to train my booty five days a week … I train for achievements and for a symmetrical and functional body, and to do that, you needto train the entire body. In addition, I felt more “at home” in body fitness, it felt safer, and I felt more elegant and feminine. It felt very right when I had my debut in figure fitness this year!
Have you been doing any other sport before?
– I’ve been doing a little different sports, such as skiing, running, shooting and dancing.
What do you like best about this sport?
– It is the social! my god, I could never have done this without all the friends I have made through training and sport. So many great people and everyone is so welcoming and helpful. No questions are stupid, and you always feel welcome no matter what city you come to in this country, they all offer met join their workout, and here and there you really get to know a lot of different people through this sport. I think it’s fantastic!
What do you like least about this sport?
– It must be allegations and suspicions of drugs and performance enhancing drugs etc. One simply cannot escape it, once you have a little more muscle than the average boy or girl. It’s just too bad that those who spread rumors do not know that it really is possible to build a great figure physique without using illegal drugs. They do not know how many hours I put into training, the amount of food I eat and how much cardio I do. They do not realize that it is actually possible to do things in a proper way.
What are you most happy with yourself and what do you get most compliments?
– Hm, now I´m a little unsure! Would like to say my shoulders, but no, I have at made a really good progress on my shoulders in recent years, much because I have focused very on them… But they are far from good enough yet. So I don´t know, maybe legs? Or the back? Haha, no, this was difficult. I am pleased to have a good symmetry in my body. But is still very tiny, so I have to work on improving everything, so i´ll fill up my frame better next time on stage.
What is your favorite “cheat meal”?
– Haaha, I could go on forever! But I can mention my favorites: Ben & Jerry’s, chocolate, sushi, Indian food with nan bread, pizza … The list is long.
What is your favorite diet food?
– Pollock! I love pollock. I eat pollock offseason too. It is so insanely good! And cheap! Perfect for me who´s a poor student. And oatmeal, no can ever take that from me <3
What is your ultimate motivation song?
– “To The Dreamer” by Save The Clocktower
What is your favorite exercise and why?
– Squats! Because I have spent 5 years trying to get to the exercise properly, and I´m finally beginning to get the hang of it. Feeling like I finally mastered it, and few exercises build legs as good as squats. And it´s a very love – hate exercise, a real pain while your doing it, but at the same time it´s quite nice exercising until you´re nauseated sometimes: D
If you could select a celebrity hunk to go on a date with, anyone, who would it be and where would your date be?
– The Rock. Dwayne Johnson. Easy. Definitely (Of celebrities of course, I have already the best boyfriend, hihi). Could certainly have me a workout date with him at Golds Gym or something like that, no doubt about that.
Have you ever done something that you think is embarrassing in the context of this sport? And what was it?
– Embarrassing? Hmm, no, not so easily embarrassed anymore. Feeling like this sport has made my limits for things to be embarrassing preteen far fetched, haha: D
If you could give yourself a piece of advice before you started this competition season what would it be?
– Do not rush! Count on your coach, and do as you’re told. Do not think, just do it!
What is your plan for the coming competitions?
– Now I going all in for the autumn 2016 season, and my goals are Norway Open, NM and hopefully The nordic championship. So now it´s one year off-season to build real quality muscles, and fill up where I´m a little small. And then it full on diet next summer! Having a blast and really enjoying myself in my life right now, plenty of good food and good workouts. So if the year continues like this, it could lead to good things 🙂

Im having a blast and really enjoying myself in my life right now, plenty of good food and good workouts. So if the year continues like this, it could lead to good things 🙂